Visiting Here
Getting Here
From the International Lunar Orbital Gateway, or ILOG, there is regular shuttle service to Spaceport Frigoris. After collecting your belongings and clearing the security checkpoint, take the Seleneca Passenger Express, that will shuttle you within 30 minutes to Seleneca’s East Harbor. If you are planning to arrive at Spaceport Frigoris at the invitation of one of the major corporations that operate here locally, please check with their concierge prior to arrival to verify that they have scheduled transport within their own fleet. Their visitors don’t always come directly to Seleneca. Sometimes they stay at one of their own facilities near by.
Visitors often question why the spaceport is not closer to the City. The reason is because of the dust that stirs up during launches and landings. Fortunately, there is no wind to carry the dust any further.

Seleneca Passenger Express’ cabin offers comfortable seating, complementary drinks, and a relaxing (and breathable!) atmosphere to enjoy the beautiful scenery between the space port and Seleneca. It’s nice way to transition from zero gravity during your voyage from Earth to our lunar gravity.
Places to Stay
Galaxy Hotel

Recently Opened. This is a full service Hotel with a popular restaurant, The Core. Rated as a 5-star by the Interplanetary Space Travel Association (ISTA). It is located at Central Park, #1000. It also has two secondary entrances from the central lobby direct to the Grand Star Bazaar.
Cost: Σ Σ Σ Σ
Lunar Listings

For either long or short term stays, Chief Broker & Office Manager Lulu DeLu will be happy to assist you with your housing. As the real estate arm of the Seleneca Company, the founders of Seleneca, they have the largest holdings of units that range from private 3 bedroom multi-level apartments to dorm rooms in group houses. Cost: Σ to Σ Σ Σ ΣΣ
Plato Crater
Research Center

This research center, located a full day’s drive away in a bunker built into the northern rim of Plato Crater, has accommodations available for visitors. Known for amazing views and delicious food prepared by their resident chefs, the support staff and scientists offer great insiders’ views of life on the Moon. Cost: Σ Σ Σ
Current Attractions
Business Directory
Things to Know:
Current Weather conditions
The button below opens up a new page showing the current status of sunlight, temperatures outside, and radiation dangers:
Customs & Immigration
All Visitors and Residents in Seleneca are required to have their personal identification chip or wearable ID band imprinted with a Seleneca security certificate. If anyone is caught without it anywhere within the City, they are usually taken to the police station where they will have to pay a fine, and might be subject to banishment. The certificate should be uploaded to your chip prior to leaving the Port Concourse. These can be obtained at any of the many kiosks located within the concourses or at the information desk.
Local Laws and
Rules of Conduct
Seleneca has its own laws and rules of conduct that are strictly enforced. Please review the handout given to you upon arrival or request a copy or download at the information desk. Everyone here must follow Our Code of Being. Seleneca has no jails. Being found guilty of minor crimes can be resolved with fees and community service, unless you are a repeat offender where you will be taken to a harbor and banished. The penalty of major crimes has fees and leads to banishment at your own expense. For those that do get locked up for a few days, the corrections officers will only provide water. They have to arrange for food to be brought in at their own expense. The officers often lock up the offenders in a room with a glass wall facing the street for entertainment of onlookers and the embarrassment of the offenders. Seleneca rarely has repeat offenders.
Seleneca’s Code of Being
Living in a contained human made biosphere requires unprecedented cooperation among the people living, working, and visiting here. Bad or naïve behavior on the part of one individual can cause devastating effects or death to others. Our survival as living creatures depends on collaboration and support of the others in the community. Seleneca cannot have prisons. Prisons are for people to harm or intend to harm others. Seleneca does have a judicial system designed to assist with conflict resolution. If deemed to be in violation of our Code of Being, the punishment comes in the form of fines, public humiliation (as a deterrent), and ultimately banishment. In situations of mental illness where the individual is in danger of inflicting harm to others or themselves, the individuals will be banished due to the 3rd rule in the Code of Being, unless they are subjected to an approved and monitored observational system.
Getting to know Your way around:
The City Map
Here is the City Map, that the administrators of this site are starting to build. It is a work in progress. There are a few local businesses and points of interest that are clickable on the map. And further down past it is another map of the Central Park where you can see the Grand Star Bazaar that surrounds Central Park.