Visiting Here

Getting Here

From the International Lunar Orbital Gateway, or ILOG, there is regular shuttle service to Spaceport Frigoris.  After collecting your belongings and clearing the security checkpoint, take the Seleneca Passenger Express, that will shuttle you within 30 minutes to Seleneca’s East Harbor.  If you are planning to arrive at Spaceport Frigoris at the invitation of one of the major corporations that operate here locally, please check with their concierge prior to arrival to verify that they have scheduled transport within their own fleet.  Their visitors don’t always come directly to Seleneca.  Sometimes they stay at one of their own facilities near by. 

Visitors often question why the spaceport is not closer to the City.  The reason is because of the dust that stirs up during launches and landings.  Fortunately, there is no wind to carry the dust any further.

Lunar gateway profile

Seleneca Passenger Express’ cabin offers comfortable seating, complementary drinks, and a relaxing (and breathable!) atmosphere to enjoy the beautiful scenery between the space port and Seleneca.  It’s nice way to transition from zero gravity during your voyage from Earth to our lunar gravity.

Places to Stay

Galaxy Hotel

Recently Opened.  This is a full service Hotel with a popular restaurant, The Core.  Rated as a 5-star by the Interplanetary Space Travel Association (ISTA).  It is located at Central Park, #1000.  It also has two secondary entrances from the central lobby direct to the Grand Star Bazaar.  

Cost: Σ Σ Σ Σ

The Crescent Moon Hotel

This is also a full service hotel, also located at Central Park.  It is at Block #100, next to the Municipal Building.  Rated as a 4-star by the Interplanetary Space Travel Association (ISTA).   Cost: Σ Σ Σ

Lunar Listings

For either long or short term stays, Chief Broker & Office Manager Lulu DeLu will be happy to assist you with your housing.  As the real estate arm of the Seleneca Company, the founders of Seleneca, they have the largest holdings of units that range from private 3 bedroom multi-level apartments to dorm rooms in group houses. Cost: Σ to Σ Σ Σ Σ Σ

Plato Crater
Research Center

This research center, located a full day’s drive away in a bunker built into the northern rim of Plato Crater, has accommodations available for visitors.  Known for amazing views and delicious food prepared by their resident chefs, the support staff and scientists offer great insiders’ views of life on the Moon.  Cost: Σ Σ Σ

Current Attractions

Business Directory

Things to Know:

Current Weather conditions

The button below opens up a new page showing the current status of sunlight, temperatures outside, and radiation dangers:

Customs & Immigration

All Visitors and Residents in Seleneca are required to have their personal identification chip or wearable ID band imprinted with a Seleneca security certificate.  If anyone is caught without it anywhere within the City, they are usually taken to the police station where they will have to pay a fine, and might be subject to banishment.  The certificate should be uploaded to your chip prior to leaving the Port Concourse.   These can be obtained at any of the many kiosks located within the concourses or at the information desk.

Local Laws and
Rules of Conduct

Seleneca has its own laws and rules of conduct that are strictly enforced.  Please review the handout given to you upon arrival or request a copy or download at the information desk.  Everyone here must follow Our Code of Being. Seleneca has no jails.  Being found guilty of minor crimes can be resolved with fees and community service, unless you are a repeat offender where you will be taken to a harbor and  banished.  The penalty of major crimes has fees and leads to banishment at your own expense.   For those that do get locked up for a few days, the corrections officers will only provide water.  They have to arrange for food to be brought in at their own expense. The officers often lock up the offenders in a room with a glass wall facing the street for entertainment of onlookers and the embarrassment of the offenders.  Seleneca rarely has repeat offenders.  

Seleneca’s Code of Being

Living in a contained human made biosphere requires unprecedented cooperation among the people living, working, and visiting here.  Bad or naïve behavior on the part of one individual can cause devastating effects or death to others. Our survival as living creatures depends on collaboration and support of the others in the community.  Seleneca cannot have prisons.  Prisons are for people to harm or intend to harm others.  Seleneca does have a judicial system designed to assist with conflict resolution.  If deemed to be in violation of our Code of Being, the punishment comes in the form of fines, public humiliation (as a deterrent), and ultimately banishment.  In situations of mental illness where the individual is in danger of inflicting harm to others or themselves, the individuals will be banished due to the 3rd rule in the Code of Being, unless they are subjected to an approved and monitored observational system.

Getting to know Your way around:
The City Map

Here is the City Map, that the administrators of this site are starting to build.  It is a work in progress.  There are a few local businesses and points of interest that are clickable on the map.  And further down past it is another map of the Central Park where you can see the Grand Star Bazaar that surrounds Central Park.

Closeup Map of Central Park and
the Grand Star Bazaar

Your First Choice on the Moon

Monday, March 31, 2125 • Seleneca, Mare Frigoris

Published by The Seleneca Company, LTD.

Our Code of Being

  1. Remember that everyone was born into our solar system in the same manner. Everyone must be treated equally and fairly and with the same respect.
  2. Everyone is entitled to privacy within their own personal living spaces.
  3. One individual’s dangerous behavior is a risk to the lives of all. Everyone is required to pay attention to look for signs of that risk in themselves and others.
  4. No one has the right to inflict physical or mental harm to another.
  5. Acknowledge that we humans have emotions and they trigger conflicts.  We must stay aware of our own emotions and the feelings of those around us.
  6. Everyone must accept that some humans unknowingly do things that annoy other humans.  When confronted by someone who is annoying you, acknowledge it, mention it, and if it doesn’t stop, accept it as part of who that person is.  Then declare to yourself that that is all that it is, and carry on.  
  7. Acknowledge that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and for the sake of progress, allow the collective strengths to combine to move forward.
  8. Extract positive lessons from any past negative experiences; do not let them repeat.  Coming to Seleneca is often cited as a way “to start over.” You must pack light to come here; do the same with your emotional baggage as well. 
  9. Do not attack or challenge someone’s faith or belief system because it is the same as attacking them.  One’s faith is part of his, hers, or their personal recipe for success in life.
  10. Do not use your own faith or belief system as a justification to harm others.
  11. Any perception of harm is defined by the recipient, not by the accused aggressor.  Let the judge or mediator decide on punishment or steps to resolution.
  12. Each day, do not forget to pause, look around, and marvel at the joy and accomplishments of others around you and those that came before you.
Pharmacy Card Image

Farmacia Panacea


We are well stocked for your medical needs. If we don’t carry what you need, we can now place special orders to Earth and receive them in only 3-4 weeks! Extra fees for this service may incur.


Central Park, #925
(at the intersection with West Street.)


10 am – 12 midnight Mon-Sat, 12 noon- 6 pm Sun


Farmacia Panacea Seleneca
TANG Card Image


Food & Drink

Known around the solar system for our famous citrus drinks. Be sure to stop by and taste: The Zero-G, Orange Moon, Deep Crater, and the Frozen Stiff Astronaut. Happy hour: 5 to 7 pm Mon – Fri. Bar food available with a limited menu, updated daily. See you soon! We are at the entrance to East Harbor, so be sure to get one to go on your way out.


East Street, #505


24 Hours


Tang Bar Seleneca
Lunar Listings Card Image

Lunar ListingsTM


Chief Broker & Office Manager Lulu DeLu will be happy to take your calls and assist you with your housing or business location needs. We are the real estate arm of the Seleneca Company, the founders of Seleneca. We manage short-term and long-term rental properties as well. Moving here for work or a long vacation? Give us a call to help you find the right place.


Central Park, #202
(Enter building from East Street)


Call anytime before 11 pm. Office Open: 8am – 5pm, 7 days / week


Lunar Listings Seleneca

Seleneca Passenger Express

Shuttle Service

We offer direct service to and from the Frigoris Space Port. Shuttles are timed to specific launch schedules for travelers and work shift changes for locals. Make your reservations early. Shuttles depart 6 hours prior to scheduled space launches.


East Harbor, Northeast Docks #1 and #2
(just around the bend from the entrance)


Reservation Line open 24/7


Seleneca Passenger Express
Apollo Hospital Card Image

Hospital Apollo


Part of the Orbit Health System. Conveniently located with direct access to the Northwest Concourse at West Harbor to accommodate patients from outside Seleneca arriving with emergencies. Apollo Hospital was the first to the moon.


Verne Ring, Keystone #9
(main entrance on Verne Ring Street)


24 Hours


Hospital Apollo Seleneca
Selenizza Pizza Card Image

Selenizza Pizza

Food & Drink

Famous for their grey pepperoni and white cheese pizza because it looks like the moon! Using lunar produce, we still prepare all the traditional pizza toppings, sauces and baking styles. Open Late.


North Street, #210


11:30 am – 2 am


Selenizza Seleneca
Mooners Mill Card Image

Mooners' Mill

Industrial Food Service

Mooners’ Mill is a family owned business and operates like an old fashioned local mill from ages gone by. Bring your grains of any size and we will mill them to your preferred level of refinement. Please contact us if you have any questions. We do not sell the products that pass through our mill.


8th Street, #600
(inside the 8 O’Clock Farm, at the entrance on 8th)


7:00am to 4:00pm


The Mooners Mill
D'Bites Cafe Card Image

Earthly D'Bites Cafe

Food & Drink

Famous for their  international comfort food with a local  sourced lunar twist.  Recipes  from Earth but made in lunar paradise.

Visit our sister cafe, Heavenly D’Bites Cafe, located on South Street at Central Park.


North Street, #190
Between the Grand Star Bazaar and Asimov Ring Street.


6 am – 2 pm; 5pm – 9:30 pm, daily


Earthly D’Bites Seleneca
Moonlit Garden Grocer Card Image2

Moonlit Garden Grocer


Find the freshest fruit and vegetables in Seleneca. Most of our produce was grown locally on our own farm.


North Street, #100
(at the corner with the Grand Star Bazaar)


7 am – 11 pm, daily


Moonlit Garden Selenenca
Galactech Card Image



We provide the latest in electronics that can only be found here in Seleneca. We carry all major brands of personal tech, communication devices, domestic appliances, and scientific equipment and accessories. We have been serving customers in Seleneca for more than 20 years.


North Street, #105
(at the corner of North Street and the Grand Star Bazaar)


10 am – 9 pm, Daily


Galactech Seleneca
Made of Cheese Cafe Card Image

Made of Cheese

Bakery & Cafe

Our Astral Plain Bagels take you to a higher level of well being.


East Street, #495
(Next to TANG)


6:30 am – 2:30 pm; 5 pm – 12 midnight daily


Made of Cheese Bakery Seleneca
D'Bites Cafe Card Image

Heavenly D'Bites Cafe

Food & Drink

Famous for their blending of flavors from local lunar produce that critics claim is the best outer worldly eating experience imaginable.  Tastes like Heaven!

Visit our sister cafe, Earthly D’Bites Cafe, located on North Street between the Grand Star Bazaar and Asimov Ring Street.


Central Park, #580
(At the intersection with South Street)


6 am – 2 pm; 5pm – 9:30 pm, daily


Heavenly D’Bites Seleneca

Seleneca Muni Building

Administrative Offices

The Board of Commissioners meet every first and third Monday of each month at 7 pm.  There are no meetings in the month of August.


Central Park, #1200


9 am – 5 pm


Lunar City of Seleneca
Muni Cafe Card Image

The Muni Cafe

Food & Drink

The Muni Cafe is in a great spot for refreshments when enjoying Central Park, a business breakfast or lunch, or for simply to have a nice meal enjoying the long views, and high ceiling. Reservations not required. Located on the ground floor of the Muni’s tower.


Central Park, #1202
(between North Street and 1st Street)


6:00am to 9:30 pm.


Muni Cafe Seleneca
Blasthopper Card Image


Transportation Service

Need to get somewhere on the lunar surface quicker than by ground travel? We offer a quick(er) hop from Seleneca to other destinations equipped with an approved landing pad. Contact us for scheduling and a cost quote. Prices vary by distance. We take you to Frigoris Space Port from where we launch.


East Harbor, Northeast Dock 3
(next to Seleneca Passenger Express)


24 Comm service for reservations.


Blasthopper Reservations
Ice Crater Tours Card Image

Northern Ice-Crater Tours

Tourism Excursion

Views are spectacular as you go further north from Seleneca. Tours are limited, as the passengers get to “ride along” with the Lunar Water Company crew on the road for the company’s pickups and deliveries, which may require overnight stays in the bunks of the multi-level cabin. Meals included. No manual labor. Reservations necessary.


Central Park, #1005
(In front of the Galaxy Hotel)


Reservations 24/7, Kiosk 7am – 9pm daily


Northern Ice Crater Tours
Lunar Water Co - Card Image

Lunar Water Supply Company

Frigoris-Seleneca Regional Office

We supply the northern latitudes with potable water from the northern ice craters, as well as unprocessed ice to the research communities.


Central Park, #900, The Stack
2nd Floor, Suite 212


7 am to 4 pm


Lunar Water Company
Galaxy Hotel Card Image

The Galaxy Hotel


Now Open! We are at the 1000 block at Central Park, to the left of the municipal buildings. We are also accessible from the rear of the building at the 1000 block of the Grand Star Bazaar. Our restaurant, the Core is open 24 hours, perfect for new arrivals in Seleneca who have not yet adapted to the time change. Please join us. Stay tuned for a grand opening extravaganza on our rooftop bar & garden. We are currently hiring!


Central Park, #1000
(between 10th and 11th Streets)


Restaurant 24 hours daily. Hotel Opening Soon.


The Galaxy Seleneca
The Core Restaurant Card Image

The Core Restaurant

Food & Drink

This is a popular spot where the locals meet with the newly arrived. They have blurred the lines between the Bar and the Grill. It’s like being in a big kitchen, where it is hard to know who is the server, the bartender or the chef. People move around while they eat and drink. Its like a party for every meal.


Central Park, #1000
(between 10th and 11th Streets)


24 hours daily. The newly arrived never know what time it is, but they know when they are hungry.


The Core Galaxy Seleneca