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Happy First Wheels Day!

Hi Everyone!  Happy First Wheels on the Moon Day!

I hope everyone is excited about our activities today.  Please come out and celebrate the 150 year anniversary of the first rover being driven on the Moon.  We have two big activities planned: a block party from 11 am to 8 pm and the first ever Seleneca Lunar Rover Race that starts at 3 pm.  Bring friends and family for a day of great food and companionship.

For more info, check out Chico’s article in the Selenic Times: First Wheels on the Moon Day.


Only Registered Residents of Seleneca are able to reply.  Earthers are always welcome to send us comments via the Contact Form.

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Our Code of Being

  1. Remember that everyone was born into our solar system in the same manner. Everyone must be treated equally and fairly and with the same respect.
  2. Everyone is entitled to privacy within their own personal living spaces.
  3. One individual’s dangerous behavior is a risk to the lives of all. Everyone is required to pay attention to look for signs of that risk in themselves and others.
  4. No one has the right to inflict physical or mental harm to another.
  5. Acknowledge that we humans have emotions and they trigger conflicts.  We must stay aware of our own emotions and the feelings of those around us.
  6. Everyone must accept that some humans unknowingly do things that annoy other humans.  When confronted by someone who is annoying you, acknowledge it, mention it, and if it doesn’t stop, accept it as part of who that person is.  Then declare to yourself that that is all that it is, and carry on.  
  7. Acknowledge that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and for the sake of progress, allow the collective strengths to combine to move forward.
  8. Extract positive lessons from any past negative experiences; do not let them repeat.  Coming to Seleneca is often cited as a way “to start over.” You must pack light to come here; do the same with your emotional baggage as well. 
  9. Do not attack or challenge someone’s faith or belief system because it is the same as attacking them.  One’s faith is part of his, hers, or their personal recipe for success in life.
  10. Do not use your own faith or belief system as a justification to harm others.
  11. Any perception of harm is defined by the recipient, not by the accused aggressor.  Let the judge or mediator decide on punishment or steps to resolution.
  12. Each day, do not forget to pause, look around, and marvel at the joy and accomplishments of others around you and those that came before you.